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Management Summary

According to Deloitte, over 90% of all cyber attacks begin with a phishing email opened by an unsuspecting victim. 30% of staff open phishing emails.  The average time from receiving the email to becoming a victim is 82 seconds.


Inky's Phish Fence service is a cloud-based email security platform that works on Microsoft 365, Exchange, or Google Workspace. Using computer vision and text analysis, even convincing forgeries get blocked. Colour-coded banners on every email offer guidance, alerting your employees to anything that seems amiss.


Inky, being cloud-based, is quick and easy to deploy in minutes with zero downtime. Inky's banners work on all devices so that staff can view threat details and report emails from anywhere they are. Inky's banners also train your staff to effectively recognise and report phishing emails.


Inky Phish Fence

Phishing is criminals sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce staff to reveal personal information, such as passwords, credit card numbers and other credentials. Phishers use these to access company systems and steal assets or to plant malware. Spear phishing is the targeting of specific individuals with specifically-crafted and highly-convincing emails designed to fool the receiver.


Email can also be compromised to deliver malware in attached files or by persuading an unsuspecting victim to click on a link to a malicious website which downloads malware.


Data breach cost and frequency

This chart from the IBM/Ponemon Institute Cost of a Data Breach Report of 2021 shows that Phishing and Business Email Compromise are two of the most costly and frequent initial attack vectors for data breaches.


INKY uses machine learning and computer vision to identify and block zero-day phishing emails that get through legacy email systems. With the most advanced detection techniques, INKY blocks malicious phishing attacks on Microsoft 365, Exchange, and Google Workspace.

The Banner educates and empowers employees. It requires no endpoint install and allows users to “Report this Email” from any device.

Computer vision and text analysis models see emails much the way a person would — but better — so even very convincing forgeries get blocked.

Social graphing builds dynamic profiles and behavior models of senders to block impersonation attempts.

Inky, being cloud-based, is quick and easy to deploy in minutes with zero downtime. Inky's banners work on all devices and they can view threat details and report emails from anywhere they are.


For further information, a demonstration or to get a quote call or email Klaatu IT Security. Our contact details are in the footer.



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